The Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI) certification program is a third-party audited food safety and quality program implemented by suppliers. This program describes the qualifications and registration requirements for professionals auditing SQFI code edition 8. The SQFI program focuses on the benefits to the industry and consumers—whereby improved product quality enhances marketability and profitability. The latest edition of the “Criteria for SQF Auditors” has been reviewed and updated to align with the Global Food Safety Initiative guidance document edition 8. The edition is designed to enhance the integrity of the SQFI program by providing a register of auditors who have appropriate qualifications and work experience for auditing SQFI systems. Registered SQFI auditors provide additional assurance of food safety and quality and are universally recognized. For more information about SQFI, click here.
After July 1 2019, all new auditors will be required to successfully complete the GFSI Knowledge Auditor IRAB-QSA and submit a certificate of completion from any GFSI Certification Program Owner.